Meet our meat supplier Mr. Antonín Nygrín from Dolní Suchá farm.
A farm located in the beautiful countryside
The Dolní Suchá farm is located just a short distance from Hrádek nad Nisou in the beautiful Lužické mountains. In 2007, Mr. Nygrín, along with his family, started to renovate dilapidated buildings into an extensive and yet very cozy farm. He also started breeding animals. At that time, he had ten goats and one horse.
A responsible approach is our inspiration
When Mr. Nygrín walks through the farm today, he is met by hundreds of animals. Besides goats and horses, he also breeds cows, pigs, sheep, geese, ducks, and hens. He knows very well how to interact with the animals and in what conditions they thrive. Even though taking care of the animals is hard work, he is not afraid to step up to the task and approach the work responsibly. We greatly appreciate this and that is why we have decided, like his animals, to follow in his footsteps.
Explore more of our suppliers
Our milk products supplier Milena Krejzová
Milena Krejzová is our exclusive supplier of goat milk products. You can look forward to a selection of their homemade goat cheese, curds, milk, and whey.
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Our smoked meat suppliers: Milan Galamba and Petr Skokan
Misters Milan Galamba and Petr Skokan make quality and fresh smoked meats especially for ARRIGŌ’s Shop and Culinary. They are also our supplier of dry aged beef steaks.
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Our beer supplier: Falkenštejn Brewery
In Krásná Lípa, they brew draft and bottled beer ARRIGŌ exclusively for us from choice hops.
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Where can you find us?
Reserve your table

Duchcovská 827/6
Děčín 405 02


+420 412 152 811

We are part of
ARMEX LiveCentrum

Opening hours
Restaurant with terrace:
Sun-Thu 11:30-22:00
Fri-Sat 11:30-24:00

Café with terrace:
Sun-Thu 7:30-22:00
Fri-Sat 7:30-24:00

Shop and Bakery:


Lunch menu:
From 11:30

Á la carte menu:
11:30 – 21:30